Home Leave #6 just ended. Sigh.
Randy gets one month home in the US a year. He just left for Mongolia early Tues. morning. Sigh. But what a month we had! We started with 10 days in Spokane (the 1st few nights to ourselves--nice surprise after 3 months apart :) . Then on to Denver for more family & friends--lots of family & friends--and getting our house in shape for 2 people rather than the 5-7 the poor thing has accommodated for the last 6+ years. I must brag LOTS on Randy who worked tirelessly around the place doing everything from installing new kitchen plumbing and appliances to re-venting the dryer. Lots of door action, too: he put in the new storm door, fixed the noisy sliding pantry doors, new shower doors. He was hanging curtain rods the night before he got on the plane for Pete's sake!
PLUS he was working tirelessly in Wagner Asia's behalf regarding an oil lab in Mongolia and recruiting as many training instructors as he could find (willing to go to Mongolia--what a hoot to eavesdrop on his conversations..."no, not Arizona, Mongolia." What a man. Never a complaint about all the fix-it's, mind you. Definitely want to keep him. For sure. OK, will quit before I get mushy and embarrass all. Anyway, I think the last picture sums up our feelings on the matter of Randy's leaving.