...everything in between and what happens after." Donavon Frankenreiter
I am so happy to see a new year roll around! Not that the old one was bad; but I sense a corner turned, a new chapter beginning. ...and I love new beginnings of any sort--even Mondays. The end of the old year and start of a new one has always held a special place for me. I much prefer to stay in and quiet, eat good food and be contemplative rather than take in parties or fireworks. What I loathe is starting a brand new year with a lack-of-sleep-hangover--no alcohol required. Yikes. --Not that I'm opposed to alcohol--but let's make it good stuff and imbibe early :)
In retrospect, some of the highs and lows of my 2010:
High: all the quality AND quantity time I got to spend with my daughters, sons-in-law and eight grand kids!
Low: all the time spent apart from Randy last year.
High: my trip to Cambodia by myself. Amazing and empowering.

Low: Working my way through the Hormonal Upheaval--thank you, Lord, Dr. B, & Lianne. The question still remains, though: was my life affecting my hormones or the other way around? I suppose the answer is both. Looking back from this shore, I'm OK with that.
High/Low: Nikki and family moving out of our Colorado home (low) in order to move into their own home (high) 10 minutes away from our home (double high :)
High: Reclaiming said home for two rather than 7.
Low: Dealing with contractors to achieve the above. Mercy. Truly a tale of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." I would list and rate them but I am afraid I would be sued. ...and, admittedly, there were stars. The Chappel's come to mind...:D "This is going to cost the owners more, but in the end it will be worth it" This Old House. Indeed.
High: My trip to Buffalo to meet with a dear Canadian sister (met in UB) to drive into Pennsylvania to meet up with some other dear Christian friends who had recently retired from Mongolia. Excellent.
Low: An extreme heartache.
High: God's wonderful presence and tender leading to a better, stronger place of heart, mind & soul.
Taking a 3-month, 4-5 days-a-week Dahn yoga class. Very healing in so many ways.
High: A 2-week trip to Israel with Randy. The trip of a lifetime. Will change the way my Bible reads forever.
Low: The ton of good-byes said in Mongolia. Very transient place as far as foreigners go.
High: The friendships forged in order to say the good-byes.
All in all, the highs far outweighed the lows--even overshadowing the heartache which I thought would surely consume me.
Enough looking back--onward ho! On to the new year. No fear (a theme the Lord hammered into me this last year :) So, a fond farewell to 2010 and
"Lookin' for LIFE, LOVE & LAUGHTER and everything in between and what happens after"