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Let's give this blogging thing another go, shall we? I recently listened to podcast #18 at Clothes Making Mavens featuring Barbara Imodi of Sewing on the Edge that was SO encouraging. So on we go with my pretty bad photos featuring real me and my real life.
We're back in Mongolia for 90 days with Randy's work. I've been tracking that over on Instagram and Facebook. Anyway, my official sewing enabler, husband Randy, made sure that I immediately acquired a second-hand machine and set up my Happy Place. Our furnished apartment has one picture on the wall and dinnerware for 6, but I have a sewing machine! I do have my priorities right.
I have to say I've never been a Singer fan. That said, this little guy has really, really surprised me. There is a Singer store here in UB that is the only game in town. I got this Singer 3232 for a song from a young woman who bought it this last March and used it once to sew pillows for her couch. It has very few bells and whistles, but my first project was mending jeans and it didn't miss a stitch. Since then it has sewn on cottons, home dec fabrics and knits beautifully.
Then I set up my Happy Place in the spare room which has a desk with a drawer and a chair. Perfect.

The lovely view of the Tuul River from my sewing room window!

My thread catcher. Too cute, right? I've never really thought of octopus as lovers, though. hmm

We're back in Mongolia for 90 days with Randy's work. I've been tracking that over on Instagram and Facebook. Anyway, my official sewing enabler, husband Randy, made sure that I immediately acquired a second-hand machine and set up my Happy Place. Our furnished apartment has one picture on the wall and dinnerware for 6, but I have a sewing machine! I do have my priorities right.
Then I set up my Happy Place in the spare room which has a desk with a drawer and a chair. Perfect.

The lovely view of the Tuul River from my sewing room window!

First up: a sewing machine cover, apron and misc. from this fun duck fabric I got here in UB
What a trooper ;-) |
Then, from one of 4 patterns I brought, I made us each a robe out of super soft cottons from India, also found here in UB
...and from the leftovers:
Pattern weights and some color and texture for our bare apartment |
Mongolians refer to certain good things in life as being head medicine. Totally what sewing is for me.
Thanks for stopping by!