I sewed a lot of white this summer. After wearing sooo much black for years, I can't get enough white. This shirt got tons of wear this summer. The following goofy expressions of me trying very hard to play photographer are for free.
McCalls 7387 in a light and airy cotton shirting. So light and airy
I have to wear a bit underneath which is not always the most light and airy thing to do. I made up a medium, which was roomy to a degree I'm fine with. However, next time I might make a small through neck and shoulders as collar seems a bit big. Also, the sleeve band was too wide I thought. I ended up folding it back. Again, fine. I liked the back detail, too; though a fabric with more body would probably stick out.

I wore it today to my friend DeLois' quilt guild meeting. They are also holding an exhibit in the same building: the Blair Caldwell African American Research Library in Denver. Too fun.
Till next time XXOO