Well, I kissed the babies in Denver goodbye (sigh) and headed back to Mongolia. A mere 33 hours later (from the door of the Denver airport to exiting Chinggis Khan airport in Mongolia), I was receiving a bear hug from Randy :) I just want to share a glimpse of Incheon Airport in Seoul, So Korea--notice the lounge/sleeping areas; they're sprinkled throughout the airport. The whole airport is spotlessly clean and wonderfully quiet. Flight announcements are made one at a time and in a pleasant North American voice. Showers, massage, etc., are all available to everyone (notice the massage tables behind the lounging lady); not just those with lounge privileges. Incheon Airport is my "wardrobe" of re-entry into Asia (you know; The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe tale) and helps take a bit of the sting out of leaving loved ones. Check out the video!
Last spring I chucked my 20-year-old bathrobe, giving me no choice but to replace it come winter. Granted, I never took it to Mongolia, so it only got worn when I was home in the US. But still. For summer I made several light weight robes, but I knew I liked the style of my old RTW one. When I saw reviews for Vogue 9232--on PR (all 3 of them), I knew I'd found my pattern. Interestingly enough, the pattern is actually for a caftan-type dress; but all 3 reviews were done up as a robe. Sham's review in particular had great tips. On a trip to Colorado Fabrics in early summer I spotted a beeeuuutiful pink sweatshirt type fabric. The outside is more like a thick knit and inside is dreamy soft. And it's baby pink! Which is hard to tell in the pics as we in Colorado have had lots of rain and no sunshine. And OK, I'm no photographer. But seriously, this is like stepping into a pink cloud. ...