Almost a month ago I signed up for a 3-month membership at a local Dahn yoga center--and I have to say it has been life changing! Seeking to conquer my constant heart palpitations and gain lots more flexibility in ever creakier joints and muscles, I am constantly surprised--and delighted--to find it a profoundly spiritual experience. Not in a zen way, no Hindu gods invoked--but lots & lots of Jesus. I have found this stage of life to be an intersection where my spiritual life & emotions collided head on with my body. Things that for years I could sweep under the rug or just push through (ok, and blame others, hold grudges, lash out, etc., etc., yuk & yikes); well, my body would no longer tolerate it. Results: constant heart palpitations, sleep issues, anger/depression, etc. God used the hormonal stew of this life stage to bring me to a Ground Zero of sorts--what a journey it has been! My trip to Cambodia was the beginning of Change; it rebooted my decision-making p...
Congrats on the ride and outing. That's exciting. Next thing you know you'll be driving out across the dessert somewhere or something! You GO girl!