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Showing posts from June, 2012

Ishee Tishee

Ishee Tishee.  That's "back and forth" in Mongolian.  Only the "ee" in Cyillic is really a long "a" sound in English.  Anyway.  In the last 6 or so weeks I have seen a lot of Ishee Tishee.  In US in March UB in April US in May.  Randy was here in May into June.  We both visited Jana's family in WA state then Randy returned to UB and I came back to Colorado.  To plan a trip back to Mongolia July 9--with Jana & Nikki!!! I now know why I feel like I move through life like a turtle.  It's because I do.  And I think I know why.  This trip back has slammed my sleep cycle.  I need sleep.  Lots of it.  These days I usually turn lights out about 10, toss & turn.  Up at 2.  Sometimes 4.  A pee and a bit of milk.  Eventually go back to sleep until 7 or 8.  Which is a bit late--by the time I eat, shower, have some Bible time, exercise; well, it's almost noon!  Randy calls between 4 and 6. ...